Detective Chinatown (Season 1) (2015)
唐人街探案/Detective Chinatown (2015)
Immortal Doctor In Modern City (2024)
Hero Inside (Season 2) (2024)
Detective Cheng Xu (2008)
The Four (1985)
Successor (2024)
打黑/Black Storm (2024)
The Princess (2024)
Brother (2024)
Man Huang Xian Jie (2024)
孙悟空大闹狮驼岭/Monkey King fights Lion Camel (2024)
The Possessed (1985)
Secret Battle of the Majesty (1994)
Peaceful Valley (2002)
For Both Sake (2018)
Monkey King Fight Lion Camel (2024)
Born To Be The One (2024)